Black bird and fox (乌鸦和狐狸)
[04-28 00:36:09] 来源: 英语日记 阅读:9142次
概要:One day, a black bird got a piece of meat. A fox found it. He wanted to get it. The fox said to the black bird. Your song is the best in the forest. The black bird heard the fox’s wards. She felt walking on the air. So she begins to sing. The meat fell to the ground from her mouth. So the fox got it and he run away.
Black bird and fox (乌鸦和狐狸),http://www.daertutu.comOne day, a black bird got a piece of meat. A fox found it. He wanted to get it. The fox said to the black bird. Your song is the best in the forest. The black bird heard the fox’s wards. She felt walking on the air. So she begins to sing. The meat fell to the ground from her mouth. So the fox got it and he run away.
标签:英语日记,小学生英语日记大全,小学英语日记,日记大全 - 英语日记