概要:, frost, rain and snow, and we fought. Progressive too. Succeeded. Has failed. Our laughter and sense of loss. Confusion and perplexity, and have become extremely good memory. Just as Pushkin's poem says: "And that in the past, and will be contracted Acacia inexplicable." Is not it?20xx年2月2日 伴着纷纷扬扬的雪花,度过了一个极富情趣的圣诞节。侧耳倾听,新年的脚步声近了。翘首东望,时光隧道中正姗姗走来一个晶亮晶亮的日子,让我们轻轻向他招收:新年,你好! 在逝去的三百六十五个充满风霜雨雪的日子里,我们奋斗过.进取过.成功过.也失败过。我们的欢笑和失落.迷茫和困惑,都成了无比美好的记忆。正如普希金的诗中所说:“而那过去的,都会染上莫名的相思。”不是吗?注册为本站会员,你即可拥有自己的日记空间,发表属于你自己的日记,先锋小学生日记大全网会员注册请点击此链接:会员注册)
20xx年11月14日 星期日 天气:晴
February 2, 2010
There were numerous accompanied by snow, had a very fun Christmas. Listening, New Year's footsteps near. Eagerly Look East, Chiang Kai-shek slowly approaching a time tunnel bright bright day, let us admit to him gently: New Year, Hello!
In the passing away of the 365 days full of wind, frost, rain and snow, and we fought. Progressive too. Succeeded. Has failed. Our laughter and sense of loss. Confusion and perplexity, and have become extremely good memory. Just as Pushkin's poem says: "And that in the past, and will be contracted Acacia inexplicable." Is not it?