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[10-15 21:24:44]   来源:http://www.daertutu.com  儿童科普   阅读:9912

概要:二十四节气 the 24 solar terms: 立春 spring begins. 雨水 the rains. 惊蛰 insects awaken. 春分 vernal equinox 清明 clear and bright. 谷雨 grain rain. 立夏 summer begins. 小满 grain buds. 芒种 grain in ear. 夏至 summer solstice. 小暑 slight heat. 大暑 great heat. 立秋 autumn begins. 处暑 stopping the heat. 白露 white dews. 秋分 autumn equinox. 寒露 cold dews. 霜降 hoar-frost falls. 立冬 winter begins. 小雪 light snow. 大雪 heavy snow. 冬至 winter solstice. 小寒 slight cold. 大寒 great cold

二十四节气 the 24 solar terms:
立春 spring begins.       
雨水 the rains.
惊蛰 insects awaken.
春分 vernal equinox
清明 clear and bright.
谷雨 grain rain.
立夏 summer begins.
小满 grain buds.
芒种 grain in ear.
夏至 summer solstice.
小暑 slight heat.
大暑 great heat.
立秋 autumn begins.
处暑 stopping the heat.
白露 white dews.
秋分 autumn equinox.
寒露 cold dews.
霜降 hoar-frost falls.
立冬 winter begins.
小雪 light snow.
大雪 heavy snow.
冬至 winter solstice.
小寒 slight cold.
大寒 great cold

标签:儿童科普儿童科普故事大全,儿童科普读物早期教育 - 儿童科普
